They do similar things to good people today
In two thousand and eight years we’ve not come a long way.
From the dark ages of centuries ago
Though through modern technology much more we do know
As people they knew back in Jesus’s time
And yet many fall victim of serious crime.
Things would be no different had he lived today
He too would die in a very violent way
In war zones good people are dying every hour
That’s what happens when people do abuse their power.
Five days before his death before his donkey’s feet
The people spread palm fronds all along the street
Next friday he shouldered his cross up towards Calvary
As one more innocent victim of man’s Inhumanity.
They nailed him for to die on a wooden cross
And the death of the original Christian was humanity’s loss
And things have not changed for the better today
Good people still dying in a very foul way.

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