A strapping man over six foot and sturdy
And we referred to him as Finbar O.
In my young years I see him as a hero
He was one I felt privileged to know
But the grim reaper came and took him early
He did not live to see his children grow.
He did not live on to see his grandchildren
To be an old man stiff and frail and gray
But Claraghatlea for his passing the poorer
As men like him are not born every day.
To some who did not know him he seemed different
But in him there was nothing cruel or cold
A gentle giant known for his acts of kindness
And Finbar truly had a heart of gold.
You cannot judge a book just by the cover
With such a saying how can one disagree
A pretty cover may attract the buyers
But the contents you have to peruse and see.
And those who knew Finbar will only tell you
That he is one that they never will forget
In Millstreet Parish and around Duhallow
The news of his passing brought with it regret
He was a man when I was a young fellow
And that was many, many years ago
And in Millstreet he will never be forgotten
One of my heroes the mighty Finbar O.

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