And sad to think that some robust young school goers
To the less robust oft times can be cruel.
And as a young man he suffered from mental illness
An illness from him that never went away
And a mental illness in his time a social stigma
But are things that much different today.
Yet despite his setbacks the poet William Cowper
Wrote many great poems even past his prime
And the literary critics never fail to rate him
As one of the very best poets of his time.
You read about the life of William Cowper
And you learn there is a price to pay for fame
Not much use to you when you are dead and buried
If your’s live on as a remembered name.
What use now to Cowper if his name is still living
When happiness in life he did not know
And perhaps the happiest day of his existence
Was when he passed on two hundred years ago? .
A life of in and out of mental institutions
For fame there can be a high price to pay
And it doesn’t matter now to William Cowper
If his name lives in literature today.

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