A home so beautiful
That soothed right to the soul
But nature’s wrath visited
Satan’s roar, dinosaurs’ feet
And thousands storm of destruction
Rocked the foundation
Of his most cherished home
They took away and crumbled
Every man’s dreams.
His feet are tied to the
Soil of his birth
Like an umbilical cord
That connects him to
His beloved mother
Yet he has a life
Of his own
And that cord has
To be severed
To let him fly.
With a heavy heart
He left his Motherland
He sailed from land to land
Flew from continent to continent
He drilled oil in the Persian Gulf
He dug diamonds in Africa
He planted pineapples
In the Paradise Island
He worked in the land
Of milk and honey
His hands are like the bark
Of trees of long hours of work
Yet he found his dreams
In the city’s advance technology.
He finally settled in the First World
And gained the status of Immigrant
Yet even in the farthest
Side of the world
He still seeks his Motherland
In him not an iota of her is forgotten
He missed the warmth of her embrace
He craved the aroma of her food
The smell of her seas and oceans
The warm smiles of her people
And her truest and most genuine love
Are waiving him always in his dreams
Ah, no country
Could ever substitute the
Love of a Motherland.
The treasures he obtained
Were shared to her Motherland
The crowns he achieved
Were offered to adorn her
And if God Almighty
Will claim him back
To His Kingdom
Away from his beloved Motherland
His ashes will mingle with the dust
And the wind and water
Will carry him
To the breadth and dimension
Of the 7,107 islands
All that belong to
His beloved Motherland
The Pearl Of The Orient Seas
The Philippines.
Copyright 2020, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

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