John O’Brien will be remembered as a man with a kind heart
And for the betterment of Humanity he surely played his part.
He was a thorough gentleman and of him it can be said
That he always seemed calm and relaxed he did have a cool head
Intelligence and a community minded spirit are traits he did combine
And a great loss to Ballydaly is the loss of John O’Brien
‘Tis been years since I’ve last seen him though him I can visualize
He was likeable and down to earth and he was very wise
And he never harmed anyone of him it would be fair to say
And for to help out other people he always went out of his way.
Always the quiet achiever he never found it hard to smile
An honest man in every way and he was free of guile
It must be sad for his devoted wife Noreen they’d been together for many years
And John O’Brien the gentleman was one worthy of farewell tears.
From Ballydaly in Millstreet Parish he forever may be gone
But in the minds of those who knew him John O’Brien will live on
A good and a decent Human Being he would not harm a fly
And the bell that slowly tolled for him will one day toll for you and I.

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