Of Lord Buddha’s enlightenment all think of enlightenment!
Health is greatest wealth of all items of wealth in the world;
Health in general means body health and mental health.
Mind is the top controlling organ of the body needing care;
If mental health is well and good, all things function well ever;
Mind should be focused on what one is best at and there lies
One’s desire and wish to achieve and become what one is!
To know one’s duty in the world and fix an ambition to achieve
That, one should acquire knowledge first to have a complete
Vision so that one’s ambition can drive one to do achievement
One day to fulfil one’s life destiny and good health forever…!
Fulment of man’s life lies in making achievement in what one
Likes very much in the world and what one is best at forever;
Good health of mind and body can be maintained best by
Doing what one is best and there lies one’s real desire sure!

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