What is this exactly and how is it in poetry?
Phet refers to interactive stimulation,
If once pronounced is interactive stimulation,
Then why is it repeated for second time?
We interact and perceive vibrations
These vibrations stimulate our minds, ‘
If this stimulation is phet then what is next?
Another phet is periodic health report
That we obtain from a physician after check up,
Now phet-phet means
Stimulation we get from others or by infection,
If it is not positive and
If it carries negativity vibrations,
Then we become ill and go for check up or
We go for treatment to a physician
Then he gives us report of health status
And he writes prescription to buy medicine,
This is phet-phet that we fall into,
We shall be careful always.
Care should be taken during conversation
Or during interaction with others,
Like we interact through poetry,
We interact through comments and replies,
If even a single word slips down
Then this gives phet phet to both parties,
We shall do both reading and writing carefully.
© Kumarmani Mahjakul,09 February 2019. All rights reserved.

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