And he feels proud of his little girl and he says that there’s none better
For to pen short story or a poem or to even write a letter.
And I believe him when he say his little girl looks pretty
That she’s the fairest of young girls in all of Melbourne City
And she may yet become a great poetess Murray Quick’s only daughter
And in far Country I yet may read of Kylie from Bayswater.
She’s heavy into writing verse and that’s a mighty hobby
And that takes me back to Robert Burns the pride of Scotland Robby
He started young at writing verse at first his work was brittle
But as he aged his verse grew great you must start young and little.
Her dad says she has long brown hair and blue eyes and for her mum looks a double
And that she’s a lovely little girl and never gives him trouble
But true Poetesses are all that way they were not born for fighting
It’s their kindliness and loving hearts that turns their thoughts to writing.
Were I a true bard I’d pen for her a song folk would remember
But I was just a mountain man and my job was cutting timber
I roam about from place and when my bones lay rotten
None will care to remember me and I will be forgotten.
But Kylie she is different she is starting in her childhood
And the fairest flowers in gardens bloom they don’t bloom in the wildwood
And she may become famous yet and crown herself in glory
And her poems may grow ripe with age and live on in history.

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