He wear short sleeves to show off his tattoos, his gleaming
shaven head
Some people never change at all or so it has been said.
Some people never do grow up as teenagers they stay
And Jeff from teenage behaviour has yet to move away
He must be thirty years at least and he hasn’t learnt from life
And with the upholders of the law he still gets into strife.
Don’t get me wrong he’s not a crim but it’s the silly things he do
And to the so called mates that he call mates he’s just that
bit too true
They start a fight and then run away and Jeff feels duty bound
And he’s the one who gets picked up when the cops come around.
When I last met him his speech was slurred he had been on the booze
And he opened his shirt like a big kid to show me his tattoos
And he introduced me to his mate he said a treasured friend
At least if he gets in a fight on Jeff he can depend.
He’s only five foot six or so but he feels he’s eight foot tall
And he’s still the same old Jeff I knew he has’nt changed at all
He still acts like unruly teenager and he will always be that way
Some people never do grow up as teenagers they stay.

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