His fingers bent and knobby from arthritis
And he feels stiff all over from work strain.
From his drainer job he took early retirement
Four years ago when he was sixty one
He could not carry on due to arthritis
Magnified by the hard labouring he had done.
Those who grew wealthy out of his exertions
Ignore him now when they meet on the street
He’s made life better for their sons and daughters
Yet he’s a stranger to them when they meet.
Perhaps they feel that they don’t owe him any
That’s for services rendered to them he’s been paid
But of course they won’t admit to the vast fortunes
Out of him and others like him they have made.
To afford him any sort of recognition
Would be admitting to him that they owe
So every time they see arthritic Johnny
He’s one of those that they don’t pretend to know.
All his working years he’s laboured for his bosses
And he has work stiffnes to show for his gain
And his hands and legs are paining from arthritis
And he walks around with the aid of walking cane

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