their union was subliminal
and had a certain charm.
But junior liked his fingernails
once weekly manicured
that habit kept him out of jails
the ones that Dad endured.
One day though, junior did get caught
he sold to an investor
the farm and gave his parents naught
but took his girlfriend Ester
to Tiffany’s in plush New York
to shower her with pearls
they talked about how Father Storck
would visit lonely girls.
They counted then the bag of loot
decided it was meager
when Ester who was very cute
said ‘I would be quite eager,
to help you with your project ‘Bank’
so we could get some dough
forget the world, and let’s be frank
just say the word, I’ll go.’
They did not waste their precious time
with hesitant debate
he did agree that any crime
be done before too late.
That night they lowered their brave selves
into the banks steel vault
and landed on the diamond shelves
when someone yelled a ‘Halt’.
The dream had puffed into thin air
the both got twenty plus
another junior got to share
her cell where he learned thus
the tricks of how the world is run
and why the future sucks
she told him of the hidden gun
with which they’d get their bucks.
His mother, being penniless
had robbed the local store
she wore the brandnew chiffon dress
as she walked through the door
of the old jail to do her time
where hubby was still serving
thus all of them were fond of crime
which is a bit unnerving.
The man who bought the farm that day
became the richest local
he ran the town and had his say
because he was so vocal.
When things were slow with revenue
he bought the goddamned jail
installed his own and handpicked crew
and let them out on bail.
They were united on their farm
lived there in harmony
their union had a certain charm
more so since they were free.

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