But what suits one will not suit another and each to their own rings so true
And each of us suited in some way to the job we have chosen to do.
Young Eric is built like a rhino and he has far more brawn than brain
And the type of character that he is in words I struggle to explain
In our local pub we call him ‘Big Boy’ and in his nickname he takes great pride
With his type one ought to stay friendly such big men you don’t put offside
A colossal of a man in his twenties and now in his physical prime
Yet Big Boy not the type of fellow who inspires the great bards to rhyme
Though he has bashed a couple of trouble makers and kicked them out of the night club
And we of course hear all about it when he joins us down at the pub.
His job gives him a sense of self importance the big bloke that we know as Big Boy
And he tells us that in a brawl he has not been bested though a few to best him did try
But one day he will get his come uppance wise people have been known to say
That there’s always one stronger and better and all bullies get humbled one day.

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