Unnecessary, he is extremely thin, seemed to me he was suffering
From malnutrition but his mind was sharp like razor in mathematics
And science, I saw his father to pull rickshaws under the scorching sun
Of June-July and in the extreme cold of December and January he pushed
Goods carrying van, he told me he had only one hope in life that is to see
His son to pass through colleges and universities which his son did with
Distinction though they did not have electricity connection to their house
Even though they lived at the center of the town but to his father son was light
He used to stare at the North Star and pray to god for his son to get a job,
He delighted first time after long time gap learning upon that his son
Got a job -interview -call, he appeared in front of the interview board
And later learnt that he stood first and the chairman of the board
Promised him the appointment, no worry, in what way the wind blows
He immediately gave us a treat with sweets, and we, too, were all glad.
But alas! Some else was woven for his fate. the other members of the board
Took huge bribes from a financially efficient candidate and gave him the appointment
Next morning we woke in the morning not with crowing of crow of cock
But from the wailing sound from my tuition teachers house for the reason that
Our beloved teacher hanged himself up with a rope and he is dead. Later I thought
His life could have been saved if the government school service commission
Would have been constituted before or surely he would have got a school teacher job
If he would alive after the formation of the above said commission, but my assumption
Turns out false when I see brilliant students are kept out and mediocre students
Have been taken in through nepotism and blatant corruption, that day they
Murdered one star this time garment kill few thousand suns.

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Unnecessary, he is extremely thin, seemed to me he was suffering
From malnutrition but his mind was sharp like razor in mathematics
And science, I saw his father to pull rickshaws under the scorching sun
Of June-July and in the extreme cold of December and January he pushed
Goods carrying van, he told me he had only one hope in life that is to see
His son to pass through colleges and universities which his son did with
Distinction though they did not have electricity connection to their house
Even though they lived at the center of the town but to his father son was light
He used to stare at the North Star and pray to god for his son to get a job,
He delighted first time after long time gap learning upon that his son
Got a job –interview -call, he appeared in front of the interview board
And later learnt that he stood first and the chairman of the board
Promised him the appointment, no worry, in what way the wind blows
He immediately gave us a treat with sweets, and we, too, were all glad.
But alas! Some else was woven for his fate. the other members of the board
Took huge bribes from a financially efficient candidate and gave him the appointment
Next morning we woke in the morning not with crowing of crow of cock
But from the wailing sound from my tuition teachers house for the reason that
Our beloved teacher hanged himself up with a rope and he is dead. Later I thought
His life could have been saved if the government school service commission
Would have been constituted before or surely he would have got a school teacher job
If he would alive after the formation of the above said commission, but my assumption
Turns out false when I see brilliant students are kept out and mediocre students
Have been taken in through nepotism and blatant corruption, that day they
Murdered one star this time garment kill few thousand suns.

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