To review your testimonies?
And I thought I was invited
To express my thoughts at will!
One of us isn’t being who they should.
But I will share this with you…
I don’t need you to prove that I am good!
I proved that many years ago in my old neighborhood!

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How can I assist,
In keeping ‘your’ way of life
From slipping through your fingers?
Good question!
You did say something,
That was key to your dilemma.
It is ‘your’ way of life,
If it was mine…
You would have wasted no time,
Pulling the plug!
Believing that action
Would not mire you in sludge!
I tell you what!
I will not budge.
I’d rather observe how your way of life changes.
Maybe there will be a lesson in it for me!
I like the odds.
And it is worth the gamble…
To see you scramble without thinking,
Of me as competition!
Either way…
There is nothing for me to lose.
I am already grateful,
I am not wishing to walk in your shoes!
Does that provide you with a little hint?
Or perhaps reveal my response to you,
With a clue to use?
Your way of life…
Has never included my wellbeing too!
Now has it?
And I regard you now,
As a hazard I am not willing to risk to take.
I pride my consciousness that is at stake!

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