I am deceived by it many times
Once it had seated me
On a branch of a fig tree
And waited me for long
For the flowers
It would bloom
Another day it had laid me
On a corner of a bed
And waited me for long
For the milk of love
It would bring from the butts of a hen
At the end
I had given nothing
Neither flowers nor milk
I was a fool
To be too indulgent with it.

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At the same rate
What may come out?
As + * – = -.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 09/01/2017

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Makes our poor and sick life be healthy again
Makes our broken heart get new impulse again
Makes our life have a future again
a healthy future
gives our life happy healthy sane wheels again
to have the ability to roll on again
to a better fine and happy future
to be able to have perpetually light
no more darkness again
gives us the choice to live in the lighted parts of life
the ability to give thanks praise and prayers
to the one, we are most grateful to.
©Sylvia Frances Chan
dutch poetess, evangelist who resides in Jakarta-Indonesia
and in Amsterdam-The Netherlands
AD. Tuesday 2 October 2018
@ 9.06 hrs AM West-European Time

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