He knew of fame and he knew of wealth and glory
Though short enough indeed seemed his time span
Steve Irwin was one who done a lot for Nature
And on behalf of conservation a big part he did play
But in his interaction with dangerous creatures he took too many chances
And he died after being stung by a sting ray
So many people seem to mourn his passing
For he was such a big celebrity
But few would wish to know him or to mourn him
Were he one who had died in poverty.
From Steve Irwin’s death from Nature’s there a lesson
A lesson to that we all ought to adhere
Stay away from creatures with the power to kill you
At least to them one ought not to get too near.
Steve Irwin is dead a man admired by many
And he was successful in quite a big way
But with creatures with the power to kill he took far too many chances
And for that the biggest price of all he had to pay.

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