If that keeps you up nights,
Worried with strife…
Pacing the floor
To wonder more and more
How to keep appearances right!
As frightful fears are carried,
Wiped to dry and out of sight!
How can it be good!
When everything you own,
Is taxed beyond the satisfaction
Of your pleasure once condoned!
How can it be good…
When there is no juice left,
To boost the aging switches?
And all connections are threatening,
To have you ditched!
Left in a fit…
To rage and bitch!
‘All of this exists as it is permitted! ‘
How can it be good…
If the electricity missed,
Sparks with someone new!
Allowing a sickness of disinterest,
To renew and pursue!
Knowing in your heart,
Substitutes will never do.
How can it be good?
When a few who remain say that it is.
Caring not to disguise the tears that fall,
Pretending a life loved is lived.
How can anything once comforting to satisfy…
Hide feelings that excited,
Ignited smiles…
Yet disappears! ?
‘No one listens or hears any longer! ‘
How can it be good?
How can this be wonderful and ecstatic…
If whispers of love fall on deaf ears! ?
None of this will emerge as it started…as it was!
To surface intact as it nears!
Since it has submerged in darkened misunderstanding.
And accepted without exception for that which it is!
‘A front to recapture imaginations,
Of those who glimpse and pass by…
To witness overacted exaggerations,
But admiring those who still try! ? ‘

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