what you’re apologising for.
My intentions have never been
to worry people that something
in my life is going wrong.
Too many times I write poems,
others see are so heartfelt,
that they immediately write
to me asking if everything is OK.
It is nice for them to be so concerned,
and I feel that I must apologise,
if some how I’ve led them to believe
my life is a bit battered and worn,
and that my marriage
is under some kind of storm.
My marriage is rock solid
as it has always been.
As for my life,
I think we all have had
our ups and downs.
I may stand under a rain cloud
a lot of the times,
but I have no intentions
of doing anything silly,
and self-destruction is just not me.
In my life, I have weathered many storms,
and I’ll weather more as they come along.
So please don’t worry about me.
If I have a problem,
I know that there are a lot of you
out there that I can talk to.
Now I want to apologise
if I have somehow put some of you,
through any needless stress,
for it has never been my intention
to cause anyone any harm.
I love you all too much,
to ever want to make you cry.
So, save your tears for someone else,
who is much more deserving than I.
3 August 2007

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