Little babes are born each day
Whilst older people pass away.
When did life on earth begin?
Please don’t ask me I don’t know when
Even the World’s wisest man
Could not tell you when life began.
We’ve heard it said that this World will end
But I don’t think it will my friend
This World and life will carry on
Long after you and I are gone.
Some scientists claim man came from ape
That humans have the monkey shape
And the bible says it differently
But with neither of them I agree.
The bible claim that the first woman and man
Was the woman Eve and the man Adam
But the bible I do not believe
People lived before Adam and Eve.
I’m only stressing my own point of view
And I know my backers would be few
And if a priest should read this doggerel
He would surely say I’m bound for hell.

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