Of those with turned up noses.
To bring reality into an uncomfortable conflict.
Dropping many folks from an ego A list.
With creative ways…
To interpret their reintroduction back into reality.
But still with the best of snob appeal!
This has become quite upsetting.
For so many enforced to stop lease payments.
As well as claims of having ownership of things.
Now subjected to release…
Those precious ‘holdings’ found to be re-leased!
‘We have decided to use our equity,
In the purchase of can goods, subway tokens…
And bus passes!
This year we are ever so determined,
To regain a more physical stamina.
By shedding those things we do not need.
It was such a heartbreaking decision to make!
But it was either that…
Or put off our training to conquer the Himalayan peaks.’
~Can these folks get any phonier than they are? ~
Of course they can.
It is in their blood!

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