Love begins at first sight according to Shakespeare and is famous ever!
Love has the power to change the status of anyone once caught by it spell;
The sacrifices the lovers take to fulfil their dream of love is well a big story
All love to read, see, know and understand the greatness of love indeed!
But in reality love is not that easy to fall in it and fulfil the dream one has;
For, love is different from liking as per the view of Lord Buddha know!
Like is like plucking a flower, but love is watering the plant to grow flower!
Right or wrong, love is commitment like the marriage being made for youths;
Marriages may end in divorces too, but lovers live lifelong together or
Die for each other’s happiness till the end of world life they live short or long!
Love of heart is emotional feeling of human beings that never decides
Based on thoughts, but by deep liking of heart more than friendship!

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