This is debatable point and must be paid full attention
It is very much crucial and deserves circulation and full mention
At certain level, weak human mind surrenders to circumstances
He is forced end the life out of despair at once
Such stage can be warded off with some positive infusion
It can save the situation arising out of confusion
Solace and advice form two formidable pillars for strength
The individual can be persuaded to act on same wave length
The time help and proper guidance can bring him new hope
Otherwise life is considered stiff challenge as if to walk on rope
Hope and despair can drive a person to nut
There may be many ifs and buts
Still doors are not closed for future recovery
Timely help and consolation is not new discovery
When person is seized of certain problems
No amount of persuasion may work for them
It is taken and considered as futile attempt
It may leave him helpless with no option left
It is not that he is not aware of the escape routes
Only problem is he is unable to reach the end or roots
This leaves him in the helpless state with no answer
No one may stand by him and extend possible help ever
It is human psychology not to board a sinking ship
It is also customary to choose set path as followed by sheep
No may try for new route to explore the possibility
There is hardly any doubt for his ability
Two sweet words can perform miracle
It helps to change the reverse cycle
It gives person a respite and chance to think
One a risk is over then ship may be salvaged and not sink
It can be guided back to calling port
The individual too can recover with active support
Once anchored at free berth the service can be rendered
The person too can be restored to confidence when offered
It helps to build and recover the lost ground
Ups and down can be in any field and found
One may face reversals or setbacks despite being cautious
The risk involved in it is not temper ray but always continuous
It is individual’s best efforts and reliance
It may help him to come out even if at odd or variance
The most important part is application of mind and compliance
The immediate sense of acknowledging the reversal and not defiance

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