Gandhi has left this world
A century ago.
But the three monkeys
Gifted to him
Years ago came back alive
To speak to the world.
The new World Order
Born with Olive branches
Followed by Atom bombs
On innocent kids and women
who never hated any alien country.
These monkeys started speaking
To each other about alien people
About their achievements
Against the crimes without the names.
The first monkey had
Closed his eyes
With open mouth and ears
Never to see his own mistakes
But to speak of their interests,
And nod positive when advised.
There were a few monkeys
At UNGA last week,
Who inherited from this one.
They term the terrorists
As good and as bad
As per the profit they had.
Then there was the second monkey
With his eyes and mouth open but
Ears were closed.
He saw everything, rabbits
Breaking into the Elephant’s fences
Killing Gandhian peace and burning
Age old hearts and bonds.
He preferred not to listen
Anything against his profiting friend.
How can a dragon hate vomiting a fire?
Then there were some like the third
That monkey who had shut his mouth
Keeping the other doors open,
The ears and their eyes.
They cried against the crimes, terrors
Against the fires and the kills,
But without naming their
Friends of Benefits.
Some used could be and would be
in their speech…
Some used need to be and should be
in their voices
That never reach
The killers outside the fence.
But be it anything
There were always the rabbits
And the butterflies in the
Audience sitting below
Who clapped, and clapped
And clapped after every monkey
Gave his Speech.

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