Ineffable is this mysterious bliss….
How will we contain him in our tiny casket?
He encompasses everything, moving and motionless!
How will I worship you, Krishna?
O treasure house of compassion!
Ineffable is this mysterious bliss….
The beloved of Laxmi bathes in torrential rains
How will he be pleased by a mere trickle from our conch-shell?
Fifty and nine winds fan him.
O how will he prefer my small effort?
How will I worship you, Krishna?
O treasure house of compassion!
Ineffable is this mysterious bliss….
By becoming the Sun, you scorch the three worlds,
By becoming the moon, you cool them,
O Vitthal! You pour down by becoming the clouds,
You blow by becoming the gale!
How will I worship you, Krishna?
O treasure house of compassion!
Ineffable is this mysterious bliss…
You are the fragrance in every herb,
What then is a gardener with a mere bunch of flowers?
What is our offering with perfumes and fragrant oils?
When the aroma can be hardly compared to yours?
How will I worship you, Krishna?
O treasure house of compassion!
Ineffable is this mysterious bliss…
Kamala serves you daily with exquisite delicacies
What then is our insignificant offering?
Says Narsaiyyo; he who has tasted the elixir called Krishna
Is never born again!
How will I worship You, Krishna?
O treasure house of compassion!
Ineffable is this mysterious bliss…

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