You dozed for a while
I was stolen meanwhile
I was picked by another childless lady
Now I am her dearest and somebody
I vividly remember your kind face
I search all over but fail to see or trace
Oh, mother i weep and fear
when I do not see you and hear
your affectionate voice and hand on head
Where and how I shall lead?
How could you lend me to others?
what can be other reason to bother?
what can be compelling reason?
Today I am altogether different person
You were in pain at last moment
There was hectic run and movement
You were about to be freed and deliver
As daddy too was firm believer
You took all pains for my birth
We were to have relation till the death
I had all wishes to remain in your side
The world seemed to me very wide
I was eager to listen to your voice
Rest all seemed to me only noise
I wished a far reaching cry
I missed opportunity to feel very shy
She has joy of having me in her side
The rest of the pass as if that of slide
It made hell lot different for my existence
Though there are plenty of such incidences
How one mother can cheat another one?
This can never be realized by any one
This is greatest blessings from the almighty
We pray, sick and surrender to deity
There is tendency to rob and be blessed
Final they are caught and traced
Not all may be lucky to reach original parents
This weakness we got as inherent
I go back years and think
It has made me to blink
I go down and deeply sink
My face turns pale from pink
This may not be isolated story
It is cause of concern or worry
The parent may be feeling guilty and very sorry
How could they bear the burden for whole life and carry?
I understand the agony and pain for childless parents
It is curse but we got to accept it and offer no comments
No body may resort to snatching or lifting of a child
The other parents may be missing lot and definitely go wild
The child may pass through painful stage
It will be difficult to manage
Still it will come off the age
It will be like captivity in cage

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