Sometimes the waves are glittering with silver light under Sun;
Sometimes they are like ruffled feathers of a chicken head;
Waves rush to kiss the shore and recede fast as they have come;
The lover waits for her like the coastal shore ever dry and free;
But the lady waves come fast, kiss fast and go away fast ever!
Keeping all feelings hidden under her heart longs long for lover;
Too much burning sensation builds up storm to rush to shore fast
And furious to shatter trees, collapse lamp posts, hurl sand and
Stones against the shore as he has not cared for her forever and
Flies high above rocks and plains and disappears unknown to anyone!
Bearing all the brunt, the lover shore again waits calm for her
Arrival in the form of regular waves to accept her kisses forever!
Since she seems to be uncontrollable with her deep feelings ever,
Lover changes himself as sky with clouds spread far and wide to
Cover her whole heart of waves to observe why she is heaving so;
Waves of her heart rises high and falls often with the hope of
Touching his lover physically, spiritually and emotionally with
Full embrace so rare and rapturous that clouds of sky lover has to
Fall as rains to mingle one with ocean to bring calm after storm!

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