After finding myself.
They are still waiting for approval and acceptance.
Something certified to help them feel worthy.
They believe I seek membership,
When I approach them as they gather…
Waiting patiently in line to pass inspections!
All dressed to impress and practicing their speeches!
Someone from ‘inside’ directs me to come immediately…
I am expected the voice inflects.
Someone yells out, ‘How can he go before us?
He’s not dressed for the part! ‘
I offered apologies for being late to those inside who wait!
Looking back at those with pretentions on their minds,
And turned up noses captured on them all the time!
I responded, ‘I am here on business. Not to masquerade!
Many of you are here earlier than expected!
After I’m done…I’ll prepare the Kool-Aid!
Just the way ya’ll like it,
And…on the rocks! ‘

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