Nothing has gone right from the beginning
It has left me wondering and grinning
Man is destined to be guided by destiny
No matter how much he tries desperately
He may get only whatever is due to him
He may be get the chance even if not in the team
He may be fortunate enough even if chances are thin
The defeat may be converted into win
He may be called successful man
Even if not helped by any one
One should not only dream but try also
The success is like touch and go
If you miss it bare thread or by chance
It will never be had by you even at once
I meet with failure at all attempts
Though I am prevented or urged to preempt
It forces me to stop at once to start
It is odd situation for me to go with the speed of the cart
It is said you should strike the iron when it is hot
You should not try to sail when wind is not
As it is supposed to land you safely at the shore
You must wait for chance or sleep with the heavy snore
Some of the aspects can be easily understood by person
One should sense the trouble and try to find out the reason
If it is that difficult to come to the conclusion
It should be left alone rather than to be faced with the confusion
Life is afford to you with precious moments
There ahs to be some gainful movements
Time and tide will not be favorable too often
You must try to grab it with least possibility even
Someone has to smile and some has to go down
There may be no change in situation even if you frown
Everybody may not be that lucky to have it all
Some are gifted with luck and some are destined to fall
I am compelled to regret even though knowing fully well
Life must be lived at full length even proving hell
It may not be the same for each and every person
They are blessed with and enjoying it with solid reasons
Though I am not person of strong will power
But not too weak to face it like fewer
I strongly believe in making sincere efforts
I leave it to almighty if He does not want my ship to land at ports

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