Imminent to come if I want them or not
Yet I breathe for the hope shown by the distant hills
Though uncertain I am, whether I could withstand the waves
Heat and cold of fire and air yet I live for the promise given
By the wide oceans and far way sun
I know, they nails down the earth from being floated way
Yet a scary feeling creeps in that I am going to be swiped away
Like the dust, dirt or like something else very weightless
I couldn’t say my mind
Nor could I take my soul in faith
That still I have few days to enjoy and some more days to live in peace
As the oceans roars in anger and rise in Tsunamis
And the huge ice breaks at the poles
The air gets holes and becomes pale
Though the sun keeps burning for us yet I have doubt how long it will continue
As the rays of him see us doing things out of enormous greed
I am frightened from the unknown darkness and doom
Of the fire from underground huge beasts
As the sins of crime against humanity spirals up like dense smoke
And the milk of kindness gets dried up like vapour
On the ground upon the soil
Only we are left to see
How sinners are freed and honest are unjustly punished
Though oceans are made to eat up
And Winds to blow away the wrongs we do with our selves
Yet I fear I will get hurt and develop deep wounds
And bleed profusely in pain uncared
Imminent to come my end if I want or not
Time is here a cruel pedestrian
An indifferent vagabond
Though he was created to heal me from this quagmire out.

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