Left in isolated place to be claimed by none
Only pigs and vultures were waiting for it alone
Little dog heard the infant’s voice
Rushed to the scene without any choice
The child was moving the legs
There was nothing on her such as name tag
Totally left in wilderness at god’s mercy
Not by any human but dog felt pity
Raised alarm by barking loud
People in near by huts were sleeping sound
She must be by now few minutes old
Her parents may really be stone hearted and bold
The child was deserted and left at her fate
There are no enough words to state
People rushed to the site
It was about to be day light
What a lovely child to look at?
Waiting to meet the cruel fate!
The child was wrapped in dirty rag
Even though was a healthy and moving leg
Real credit was earned by a faithful dog
The child could have been eaten away in fog
Some of the acts are always appreciated
They deserved to be highlighted and narrated
It gives shining example of what should have been done
If not done then what precaution should have been taken
Her parents may be brave one
Even if for unmarried girl this act should not have been done
It is life granted by almighty, the creator
We are here to look after and act as care taker
Any human being may feel good
Animals otherwise are hungry for food
The great damage would have been done to child
Thank god she was taken to near by hospital and saved
*The story was published in one of daily newspaper here* worth taking note of *

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