Met a gentleman from Kerry married him and settled down
Here in Victoria Australia The Garden City Melbourne Town.
We had many happy years together we lived happy and carefree
Raised two sons and three fine daughters and ours was a happy family
My children married well and gave me grandchildren and I sing their praises loud
And I feel proud of all my children have I not just right to feel proud? .
One thing missing that’s my husband he died a short while ago
All those happy years together naturally I miss him so
But his spirit is still with me he’s still living in my heart
Death has failed to come between us death will not keep us apart.
I live alone life can be lonely but I’ve got my chooks and terrier dog
No life is not meant to be easy and yes life can be a hard old slog
But I’m a strong willed sort of person and in my heart burn the flame of hope
And I can grapple with life’s problems and on my own I’ve learnt to cope.
My children still dependant on me and they still look at things my way
And they still come to me for counsel and they still go by what I say
I wonder can they do without me? as they depend on me they do
But I know life has to continue and they must learn to live it through.
I am almost on the seventy and many years still in me yet
And I have never wronged anybody so I have no cause for regret
Some times life can be trying and lonely and oft times end like a sad song
But my simple philosophy for living is help all people do no wrong.

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