Who have shared all their feeling?
Made me feel at home and being
I owe a lot to unknown readers
Who might be playing for me as wonder?
I know only few of best known
As they consider me of their own
I have now whole world to claim
Its people, trust and faith to name
I have breathed their feelings and sentiments
It was pleasant and happiest moment
How do I feel for them at heart?
I find no appropriate words to start
They have allowed me some space
To be stationed permanently in any case
I shall store their words as everlasting
Thank God, they never came to me as blasting
I could have been finished of the scene
Yet they allowed me as player to be seen
I feel shy to express thanks often and again
It causes me anguish and pain
As if I am purchasing their precious time
They have spared it for me over considerable time ‘
I shall express in poems
That may reach definitely to them
They are smart enough to pick the signals
Take care of their urgent need for originals

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