Now I remember and it’s not that long ago, doctors encouraged you to smoke to calm your nerves. Now the same doctors are saying it is bad for you. However, it is all right for a group of them to plant a dirty bomb. Am I going mad or is there a double standard here? On the other hand, is it that they don’t have enough patients that they have to go out and create a few?
Then there are the Hospitals and doctors saying we will refuse to treat anyone that smokes. Hang on a minute, you will treat an alcoholic, which is self-infliction, a drug addict another self-infliction. Come on, a lot of you told us to smoke in the first place. Then the other day another doctor was saying that smoking actually help keep the airway clear. Am I missing something here?
Now I wonder what the Government would do if we all said there would be no drinking alcohol in any government building anywhere. Their Christmas parties would have to be held outside with Jack Frost. The point is if they couldn’t drink they might not fall asleep on the front bench, and we might get a few good laws that would do us all some good. Lets all vote in taking their rights away, just like they have been doing to ours. I’ve had enough of protesting to day. Thank you for listening, now I’m going away to write some pretty poetry.
4 July 2007

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