Her insights and quiet sense of humor in memory with us will live on
Her legacy will remain with us though she from us is forever gone.
I often see her in the Parkland always with a smile on her face
The old Town worse off for her passing since there is none to take her place
She is now with the Town departed though her soul is not where her body lay
Decomposing in her pine coffin surrounded by brown earth and clay
Tammy she was such a good person and her I shall never forget
And I do recall with great sadness the last time that she and I met
It was down at the shopping centre and clearly she was on the fail
And though she seemed happy and smiling she looked rather sickly and pale.
In retrospect she had a good innings she reached the age of eighty three
But ’tis sad to think that she is gone forever that her we will never more see
The ups and downs of life she knew of but she was not one to regret
And she left us with wonderful memories and her we will never forget.

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