And as for the poor people whose dreams by war have been destroyed
They say it’s their bad luck if they have nowhere for to run to and from the bombs can’t hide.
When I am at the local pub enjoying a thirst quenching beer
Some of the loud mouths nearby I can’t help but overhear
They boast that we have won the war and from it take great pride
But they never speak of the war homeless or of how many have died
Because of the indiscriminate bombing nor do they even care
Of the sufferings of the war displaced who live with the despair
Of ever again leading a normal life they have little left to lose
Talk seems easy for the uninformed when they are tanked up with booze.
I feel so disappointed with some of the so called educated kind
When for the use of nuclear weapons some excuse they will find
Like we must wage war on terror yet to me that doesn’t seem right
For terror waged on terror is a never ending fight.
I feel so disappointed by those who support war
Suppose talk is cheap when from the destruction one is living far
In war there are no winners though many with those words may not agree
For the price always too high to pay for man’s Inhumanity.

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