And horny too
By the ideas
By me at work
Or leisure
Give me a pen
And paper
As I have to
In black and white
On the face
Of the earth
The beauty
The truth
In my heart
And turned
Into heat
And power
By the motion
And friction
Of an excessive energy
To release
To calm down
Come out
As lava
With great responsibility.

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Bu one thing is certain
I care for human pain
I write with cheerful heart
It has got compassionate art
It can breathe and cry
For those who really struggle and try
I know people sleeping on road
After working hard carrying the load
For them, night is real blessing
The tiredness goes off with peaceful snoring
Few people struggle to sleep well
The poor have nothing to tell
Their bones are cracking daily
But the enjoyment is felt really
I keep writing for their plight
I consider it holy task with delight
If I can’t help them monetarily
I shall contribute with words if they are needed necessarily

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