I have always lived in fear with
When I woke up find the closed teeth
It is unusual to believe in mythological truth
We live in fool’s paradise for feeling to soothe
Nothing helps in turn other than to create bogey
Mind is arrested and thoughts don’t emanate free
Ho many deaths you have to go through in life span
Is it like floating on life pond like white swan?
Do we go deep in water and not coming back again?
What do we do to come in life and regain?
It is absolutely painless odyssey
No one can offer any logic or alibi
It is happening daily and almost certain
I develop no amusement or pain
There is o escape from sleep to slip
It is successful onward trip
We sit on throne as powerful king
All courtesans offer the dance and sing
It is another world with all the comforts
All thoughts of day rush from mind and report
You perform there as super hero
Though you are worth nothing but zero
It is better to die once
There won’t be any pain or worry hence
You die thousand times a day
The sleep is only easy way
It is almost impossible to live at ease
It is stagnated and no fresh energy to release
I am not at happy and pleased
I wake in sleep and life seems to be ceased
It is tortuous and full of agony
I don’t know but it may be suffered by many
It may unwant call to decide at this stage
Still it is difficult to stand alone and manage
Let it be probed fully to help us later
It has to come sooner or later
Whether it is in day time or in sleep
It definitely gives us good slip
Let us escape this confusion and stay clean
We have many ways and means
It can keep us away from worry and tension
It is not worth here for all the time to mention
The death certain and bound to take place
It is to be realized and can be read on face
it should not engulf our mind or lay a seize
Life may come to stand still any time and cease
Give a nice slip to sleep
Smile always and good health to keep
Good bye to mythology or any theory
Keep it way if it causes worry

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