They were on private property.
And upsetting residents.
I quickly demanded to see the manager.
And announced…
The people were ‘lobbying for change’
Something we all are seeking.
Especially during these times,
Of severe need.
‘Hopefully, that can be agreed? ‘
Unless adverse publicity is sought?
And ‘that’ somehow was discouraged!
Since property taxes were overdue.
And that fact was a known issue.
That could undo.
If harrassments continued…
To be pursued!
~What is this?
Some sleaze of a ‘blackmail’? ~
You’re trying to make this personal!
As if I am without an identity or intergrity,
That does not possess a wholesomeness…
Up and above such lowlife remarks!
How much is it worth to you? ‘
~How much is ‘what’ worth to me? ~
‘My talents? ‘