sadly there is no medical cure
for the habit that I have.
I have to feed its hunger everyday,
I tried to go cold turkey
and almost succeeded once
and stopped for almost seven years,
but its hunger kept breaking through.
Finally, I got to grips with myself
and said enough is enough
I am going to let my addiction go.
It was not that easy to break free
of something you have had
for almost half a century.
I had to try I said to myself
before it takes over my life itself.
Just as I was about to put
the last nail in its coffin
it escaped and got free.
Free to enslave me once again
to do its bidding.
I have given up now
to its craving of paper and pen
and to do its dance again and again.
What am I addicted too?
If by now you have not guessed,
my addiction must be pretty weak
as I am addicted to writing
at least one thing everyday.

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