But the memories keep fading they grow dimmer by the day
Like the rose that bloom for brief while and then quickly fade away.
I have sung of Ballydaly and the woods of Claramore
But the few who cared to listen never asked for an encore
And their eyes could only tell me what their tongues refused to say
And the memories keep fading like the blossoms of the May.
I have sung of Sherbrooke forest where the mountain ash stand tall
Where the lyrebird lilt and mimic and the kookaburra call
But the few who cared to listen unimpressed it would appear
And applause was not forthcoming not one ripple could I hear
I have sung a song of Winter far away and years ago
When the fields were gray and frostbound and the hills wore hats of snow
But of the few who cared to listen not one uttered hip hooray
And before my song had ended it had gone into decay
I have sung songs of the rivers and the coastlands and the sea
I have sung songs of the mountains and the creatures wild and free
But the few who care to listen by their silence only say
That my songs won’t be remembered and the memories fade away.

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