To the leafy grove by the river when the dawn was breaking gray
And the meadows scenting sweetly of the fragrant blooms of May.
The distinct song of the goldfinch a familiar song to me
By his voice I recognized him as him I did not have to see
At the verge of his borders on branch of horse chestnut tree
He carolled in the gray dawn to proclaim his territory.
I heard a goldfinch singing and I thought of my Homeland
And if you too are a migrant you like me can understand
How the song of a familiar bird bring you back thoughts of home
Though you love your adopted Country and nostalgia you’ve outgrown.
On a cootamundra wattle I heard a goldfinch sing
And it took me to a northern Land and to a distant Spring
And if you too are a migrant you like me would also know
That a voice that you grew up with takes you to the long ago.

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