It means that you are dopey, dim witted in some way
And to call somebody drongo not a nice thing to say.
To be called dill or idiot, wombat, buffoon or clown
Are words that people say to hurt and use as a put down
And add to those words stupid, retard, dickhead and fool
But to be called a drongo is far worse ridicule.
Even with words us human beings can sometimes seem quite cruel
We use them in a hurtful way as a destructive tool
And of all the put down words Australians use drongo is worst to me
And though some may say that I am not wrong others may not agree.
Those who resort to put down words are unenlightened kind
They highlight their own shortcomings and to their faults seem blind
In every Country in the World some favoured put down word
And in Australia the most used best to describe a bird.

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