Where free born creature human face not seen
But is there such a place called ‘Land of God’? .
But I’ve been there if only in a dream
And I’ve seen the tiger lay down with the deer
In Land untouched by man a wilderness of green
Where all is love and no such thing as fear.
I heard God’s Angels singing in the sky
And the free born birds were piping all the day
And i could feel an inner sense of joy
And World of man seemed far so far away.
I close my heart to World of human kind
A fairy minstrel pipes on sunlit tree
As i lay there in the warm rays of the sun
And still the dream keeps coming back to me.
I long to go to where no one’s ever been
And I’ve a feeling that there is such a place
Where free born creatures live in harmony
And do not know the look of human face.

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