Sans feeling of heart, love cannot be felt at all in human life ever;
Love only distinguishes one from animals higher next to divine being!
Love is top most feeling of human emotion that only gives joy and freedom
Real in life unlike money, power, status or any other thing in the world;
All living beings long for love and are tamed by love so much that they
All accept the will of love to do anything to be happy and peaceful here!
Love only gives real and full satisfaction in human life of world sure;
Nobody can deny or refuse the sway of love once caught by its spell…;
For, love is divine power on Earth none can excel and exclude it forever;
This all swaying, conquering love is the greatest power real in the world!
Loveless soul is victim of hell cannot be restored to normalcy forever
As it is neither human or divine by nature in the world unfit to live!

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