I did nothing as promised
Still I got everything and nothing went as missed
I congratulated my talent
It needed no further comment
It worked perfectly well with my evil design
Now was to time to sleep well and resign
I starred at ceiling and meanwhile got second thought
I got everything without praying for it or had sought
There was no scuffle, no wrangles no battles to be fought
It was just masterly skill that was put forward and result was brought
Well I thought over it often
Some of the ideas were creeping in all of sudden
That made me to rethink about my mentality
Was it desirable on my part with that quality?
I struggled with idea but got defeated
It was just the same as thoughts were repeated
They were making me restless with no solution
Was I cheating conscience with suck kind of contribution?
I was getting bucketful in all the fields
It had enormous success with rich yield
What else we needed in this materialistic world?
My feet were crumbling and developing cold
I shivered and tried to defuse the situation
It was not the right time for evaluation
I was getting on right track
I felt there was so much at stake
Any sincere drive must have serous backing
It must maintain constantly without any cracking
It must offer peace and stability in mind
So work must be dignified in its kind

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