I accomplished this with sacrifice…
Hoping this would elevate their priorities.
But they were of limited mindsets.
A bigger picture they could not see.
And one day I got a knock on my door.
From two who came to say…
‘We appreciate your efforts.
And the quality of your deeds.
If you want us we are here,
To take you where you wish to go.
To hand out some flyers to promote us…’
Excuse me?
Say what?
You’ve come to do that,
So I can advertise your abilities?
And accomodate ‘my’ needs?
For ‘me’ that is what you will do?
So I can continue to observe you sit?
And watch you eat on my time too?
I felt insulted.
They had no clue as to why!
So I closed the door.
On them and that project…
I said a final goodbye!
And they wanted to get paid.
With a few tickets they sold.
And with lesser time spent,
To promote themselves made!
These Negroes were bold.
They had no clue as to why,
I felt insulted.
So I closed the door.
Not to re-open it again!
On them and that project…
I said a final goodbye!
‘When folks begin to take advantage…
Disadvantage your input,
From those who do the taking.
And be sure the time you take for yourself,
Is for you to make better use.
And no one else!
Disadvantage your input.
Make some time for yourself.’
I have.
And I thank You, Father.
That was well stated!
‘Thank you!
You are too kind! ‘
You think?
I think your desires to assist others,
Within a certain creativity…
To get them to feed themselves,
Is a bit ambitious!
You know how some folks can be,
When they perceive these things.
As if they do ‘you’ the favor!
And trust me…
Everytime I hear them in prayer,
I understand what you mean!
I gotcha back, bruh!
Don’t feel like the lone ranger,
Me see with eyes clear,
As I gaze upon the horizon.
Fixed I am…
In your heart and mind.
In this hemisphere…
And beyond, all the time! ‘
‘Yes, My son.’
Why is it, Father.
You seek and go for the dramatics?
‘You know they are from Detroit? ‘
WHO Father?
What and ‘who’ are you talking about? ‘

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