When you repeatedly ask it again and again
My concern increases and remains main
I have yet to pick you right
So much confusion to correct it or fight
Love is to strengthen the bonds and cause oneness
I have been blessed with agony and loneliness
I can not run away from the scene as coward
I have always seen the divinity and looked forward
I have no other way left than to fight back
As my fair name and reputation is at stake
I should not have written it or inscribed
It is of no use to apprise and fully described
I saw all greenery on face of earth
It is turning against me and ready to be laid as wreath
I don’t know what impact it may have?
I have no clue yet how you would act and behave?
It is know fat and another name of treachery
I can’t pretend to be happy and remain merry
You have chosen it as play on the field
You tried to mesmerize and powerfully held
I had no idea about lone struggle
I feel like weeping freely in dense jungle
I keep going in life as stranger
Still I have no dejection or anger
Yes it is part of our struggle to march on
How can we evaluate as lost or won?

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