On my bed side after
I had little nap in the afternoon
I realized tear drops on cheeks soon
I felt warm
As there was no storm
But she continued with her pain
I was in full dream and still remained
Soon I got to know
As she tried go
By her sentiments with some words
“You are brave, you are brave” I heard
I was on short leave
Whole of the time I lived with her
She was everything to me
Under her protective umbrella, I felt totally free
I could see her in tears
What are your fears? I asked at once
“No, nothing “You are leaving tomorrow
So my emotions tried to emerge and grow
I turned pale with worries
What was she hiding and tried to carry?
I once again asked to tell me the truth
She sobbed with smile and came forth with explanation
“People are congratulating me for having brave son”
I was too feeling proud person
“How could my child become so loving to people”?
She knew I had to face lots of trouble
I brushed aside her feeling and tried to assuage
It was her ailing stage
She was lonely at home
But always stood at gate to welcome

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