do you know those who truly love You?
My Beloved said
Not by their smiling face,
nor by their eagerness;
nor by the quickness of their response,
nor by the force and wealth of their response
pleasing though these are –
but by their stillness: as
a rose is still; or as a fine-proportioned vase is still;
or as a sunlit golden dome is still;
or as the bluest vault of heaven is still;
they have a stillness all about them; for
their hearts are ever at rest; there is no need
for their still heart to move; they are
always the same; they rest in love;
they meet you with all love,
they greet you with all love;
you cannot add to their true love,
you cannot take away from their true love;
and if you wish to test their love,
the test is constancy; there is no change in them;
they speak, they feel, they act, from constancy;
what is their substance? It is constancy;
I stand with them in constancy,
they stand with Me in constancy..
if that is not what you would ask of them in love,
then they are not for you; but they,
they are My true lovers, lovers of the truth in Me
-said My Beloved.

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tell me of angels
My Beloved said
When you are awake,
you hear of angels and
wonder about angels
When you dream,
the heaven is full of angels
When you are deep asleep
you are that angel
of this your dreams
remind you
When you awaken,
remember this
Then you will have wings
and fly over these three worlds
as one
said My Beloved

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I have given You all my love;
what more can I give to You?
My Beloved said
If you love Me, then show your love
by seeing, knowing, all
that happens to you in your short life
as gifts from Me..
all events, all acts, all thoughts,
all seeming accidents, all illnesses,
all that arises from your meetings with others,
all their words to you –
see them all as Me
I said to My Beloved,
O My Beloved, my love is great
yet my will is weak;
I love You as I love life itself –
help me in this!
My Beloved said
It will not be easy; for
this will be the measure of your love for Me…
My help is this:
every time you see Me in some passing moment,
in some passing event in your life
be it harsh, or seem unfair— yes,
especially in this, my fiercely loving love –
you will know My love for you
as you have never known My love
for you so great, so pure
I said to My Beloved
This hard and lovely thing, O My Beloved,
will be the measure of my love for You.

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My Beloved said
I am like water
the spirit of water
the cause of water
the holiness of water
I flow
I bond
this is My nature
the nature of love

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May I know You?
My Beloved said
I am unknown
I said to My Beloved
Still, I love You
May I see You?
My Beloved said
I am formless
I said to My Beloved
Still, I love You
Might I lose You?
My Beloved said
I am eternal
I said to My Beloved
Still, I love You
Might You leave me?
My Beloved said
I am always present
I said to My Beloved
I love You
My Beloved said
I am love itself
I said, O My Beloved

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I fear I have forgotten You!
I have fallen in love with the world –
when I walk out of the door
I swoon with the scent of the Spring air;
I hear each flower singing in the garden;
I sink into the heart of every rose;
I am dazzled by the sunlight;
I see the sky reflected in the lake
and lose myself in its shining stillness;
I see the sky and lose myself in the sky’s immensity;
when I walk, my feet want to dance;
when I speak, my heart wants to sing;
in every person who passes
old or young,
smiling or frowning,
I see myself in them;
wherever I look, I see only love…
I have fallen in love with the world –
O My Beloved, have I forgotten You?
My Beloved said
I am the one in you who sees all this.

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those who seek to know You
or those who seek to love You?
My Beloved said
Those who seek to know Me
must first know themself;
look deep into themselves
to know that which is not themself,
to discard that which is not themself;
then when they have found themself
so deep within themself
they shall find Me there
Those who seek to love Me
must first love themself;
look deep with love into themselves
and discard that which they love but
which is not themself;
then when they have found themself
so deep within themself
they shall find Me there
and those who truly know themself
shall love themself and Me,
shall love Me in themself;
and those who truly love themself
shall know themself and Me,
shall know Me in themself;
two paths lead all to Me:
some love knowledge,
some know love,
the treasure lies
where these paths meet
in Me

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My Beloved said
Tell me first what you know of truth
‘One and one make two,
– as You and I’
My Beloved said
Tell me more of truth
‘Love draws me to You
as the white moth to the candle’s flame’
My Beloved said
Tell me more of truth
‘Love makes You and me
into one single perfect love’
My Beloved said
This is the measure of truth
which is immeasurable:
the greater the truth
the less it can be measured;
the greater the truth
the deeper it may be experienced;
this is its measure: its experience.
Truth has no other measure,
for only love can measure truth.

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