That by the old grove to the river did flow
And memories only left now of decades ago.
When I was in love with a girl of eighteen
And to the ways of life and love one might say very green
With brown eyes and wavy shoulder length brown hair
She looked quite attractive and untainted by care.
I had a crush on her that faded in time
That was just a memory when I reached my prime
I never once kissed her or once held her hand
Love does ebb and flow like the tide on the strand.
When she left the old Parish I never see her again
But young in my memory she seems to remain
She made a new life for herself on a distant shore
I loved her for a short while just that and no more.
I wonder is she a grand-mother today
And with makeup and hair dye does she cover her wrinkles and gray?
For facelifts some even big money will pay
And few wish to age in the Natural way.
Just a little memory that comes from the past
But nothing in life ever does seem to last
I wish I stayed young but time kept ticking on
And today is what matter the past now is gone.

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